Inspection and examination complexes
The inspection complex is a system that is used to carry out introscopy during customs control of bulky goods and equipment. Such mechanisms help to serve a large number of vehicles and are aimed at determining the contents of the car, the type of cargo, internal devices, substances and objects.
Inspection and screening complexes have positively proven themselves in the region where the customs operates. The use of technology allows increasing the throughput of checkpoints by reducing the time of customs control to 10-15 minutes (whereas manual inspection can take several hours). The use of the method of "non-intrusive" inspection allows you to reveal the objects hidden in the caches.
The use of inspection complexes at customs checkpoints contributes to: the development of trade in the country, the acceleration of trade and the expansion of foreign trade relations; filling the revenue part of the budget of the Republic of Belarus; reducing potential threats to the state caused by the movement of prohibited goods.
The first inspection complex in Belarus was built in Brest, designed to inspect freight trains. The construction of the IDK in the area of the Zarechitsa park of the Brest-Severny station was carried out within the framework of an intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China.
- ГТК: эффективность инспекционно-досмотровых комплексов составляет Br93 на Br1 затрат
- В пункте пропуска «Берестовица» завершено строительство стационарного инспекционно-досмотрового комплекса, ведутся пусконаладочн
- Общество В пункте пропуска «Урбаны» возводят новый инспекционно-досмотровый комплекс
- Рентген для грузовых поездов установлен в Бресте. Фото, видео
- Photo (000021_..._721729.jpg)
- Photo (idk_scaner13.jpg)